Our Guest Country
Spotlight on Sweden

At this year's MSE 2024 Congress by DGM, we are honored to spotlight Sweden as our esteemed guest country. A nation known for its stunning landscapes, rich history, and significant contributions to the world of science and engineering, Sweden stands as a beacon of innovation and sustainability.


Why Sweden?

Sweden has a long-standing tradition of producing world-class scientists, engineers, and innovators. From the invention of the dynamite by Alfred Nobel to the groundbreaking discoveries in the realm of plasma physics by Hannes Alfvén, Sweden’s legacy in science and engineering is unparalleled. Today, the country is a hub for sustainable technologies, clean energy solutions, and pioneering research in materials science.

Join Us in Celebrating Sweden!

We invite you to join us in celebrating Sweden's remarkable journey in the realm of science and engineering. Let's embark on this enlightening journey together and discover the Swedish way of innovation, sustainability, and cultural richness.

MSE 2024
24 - 26 September 2024 | Hybrid Congress in Darmstadt (Germany) & Online

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